Current mood: amused
Category: Art and Photography
In order to explain the inspiration behind my newest photo, I must take you back to a beautiful sunny day in Hollywood California. Tyler, Brad and I took a trip down south for a weekend to watch the Swell Season and Iron in Wine at the Greek Theatre. It was an amazing concert, we all had a blast, but one thing continued to plague our trip every time it was flaunted in front of our eyes. This one thing my friends, was scarves.
Scarves were everywhere! They decorated mannequins in the windows of H&M and American Apparel. They walked the streets dangling around the necks of countless men and women. Not too mention the flocks of middle aged Glen Hansard wannabes who filled the Greek, walking around displaying their scarves proudly. Every where you looked it seemed like 70 degrees was optimal scarf wearing weather for just about everyone in Hollywood.
Tyler continually express his disdain for this accessory throughout the trip. However, the scarf overload, and Tyler's total rejection of scarfs finally came by what we saw on our way to hike up to the Hollywood sign. Now, if any of you have seen our photos from the hike, I'm sure you can tell it wasn't a totally pleasant experience. We were hot, sweaty and unprepared. Tyler and Brad were even shirtless by the end because it was a warm sunny day. Yet, on our way there, we passed him. The epitome of Hollywood Trendiness - sleeveless tight shirt, tight&saggy jeans, ipod in ears, and of course.... a scarf! As we watched him walk down the street- Tyler and Brad decided they had enough of this ridiculous trend and preceded to launch into a rant of epic proportions.
From that day on, Tyler hates scarves and all who wear them. Now, being that I am a scarf advocate, (Yes, all but one of the scarves in Tyler's photo are mine, and even the one that isn't mine, I wish I owned) I have since been able to minimize Tyler's scarf hate to males wearing them in inappropriate situations. I got this idea for a photo after hearing several scarf complaints and I am so happy I finally got to create this image.
Thanks T.M. - you're the best!